In 2014 we purchased the farm, which we would name Grape Lakes Farm & Vineyard. I’m Sondra and I grew up on a dairy farm outside of Fisherville, ON with my 6 siblings – 5 sisters and 1 brother! When I met my husband, Scott, I fondly described myself as Laura Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie with an edge...lol…perhaps a lot of edge! I love everything involved in growing my own food. Scott was born and raised here and is a sailor at heart. When we met and I shared a dream about us having a piece of property one day with fruit trees and chickens….his inside voice was saying…I love you but I will never leave Cedar Island. What can I say, we both fell in love with this property at first site. He loves hunting, guns, extra large bonfires, driving the tractor, and cutting grass…A LOT of grass. We intend to be self-sustaining and to provide produce full of nutrition that is good for your health and the environment. We are proud that everything we offer in our farm store is germinated and grown organically on the farm. We love to support our local community in everything we do and are blessed to have teamed up with some fabulous local partners and their products. We are on a journey together and we welcome you to come and visit our piece of paradise.