Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother

Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother

One of the most magical things we make on the farm is our Raw Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother. I was told by most folks…you have to spray your fruit trees with chemicals.  It’s just not an option we are willing to do.   I have worked year after year figuring out how to best treat our fruit trees and I am seeing some great results!!


I made my first batch of Raw ACV with Mother in 2015 and each year I need to make more as I am learning the endless benefits and uses of this simple miracle product from having the vinegar, to  making Fire Cider, using in my natural product sprays, household cleaner, acid reflex and so on. Check out this link for more information.https://bamahealthfoods.com/whats-the-big-deal-about-apple-cider-vinegar-with-the-mother/



Let’s jump in on how you can make your own!  The beautiful thing about making Raw ACV is that you go ahead and make your apple sauce, pies, and crumbles and use the peels, cores, and scraps to make the actual vinegar!  I LOVE this no-waste approach in using every part of the fruit.


  • Save the peels, cores, and scrapes of 15 -20 apples
  • 2 -3 litres of boiled and cooled water
  • 2 large tbsp of good quality raw honey or molasses
  • 1 cup organic cider vinegar with mother


Place the peels, cores, and scrapes into a wide-mouth container that has been sterilized like a big glass jar.  Pour the boiled cooled water until it is covering the apple material, plus a bit.  Stir in the sweetener ( dissolved in a cup of boiling water ) and the organic cider vinegar with mother.  Secure a clean cloth over the container with string or a rubber band.  Leave it in a dark place close at hand so you can keep an eye on it.  It should start bubbling after 7 – 10 days.  If no bubbles occur, you may have to add half a teaspoon of bread-making yeast to help it along.

If you notice Kahm yeast or mold forming you don’t need to hit the panic button.   Please refer to this link to help guide you along.  https://www.fermentingforfoodies.com/kahm-yeast-mold/